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Mosquitoes – Is There Anything We Can Do About Them?

Exterminate Mosquitoes

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What are some of the best ways to exterminate mosquitoes in your yard?

So there you are.  You have a long weekend coming up soon and are thinking about having a backyard cookout.  You have decided to have some friends and family come over, maybe throw some burgers and chicken on the grill.  You even googled a new veggie side dishes in hopes to appeal to a larger crowd and impress your friends.  I’m sorry, what did you say, Johnny?  You never grilled eggplant that tasted so succulent?  Well, I know your wife loved it, my friend.  Sure, I can share the recipe with you later if you’d like.  Ah, we can all dream of our grilling prowess, can we not?

Only possible problem you foresee is that the weather team on your local television channel is forecasting rain all week leading up to your weekend cookout, and you do know how bad the mosquitoes can be in your backyard.  So is there anything that can be done?  Is there a way to eliminate the potential mosquito problem before they nibble away at your guests and fun?

A Little About Mosquitoes

I know that mosquitoes do not need much of an introduction.  They have been a part of all of our lives since we were very little.  I know we all must have eaten our hot dogs and watermelon slices next to our childhood friends, smelling like some sort of mosquito spray cologne, slapping at our arms and legs, and dealing with the itchy mosquito bites the very next day.

That said, a mosquito is (drum roll please) a type of flying insect.  They have scales, and wings that are symmetrical on both sides.  Mosquitoes breed in standing water and are most active at dawn and dusk.  They tend to travel both solo or in swarms.

Female mosquitoes feed off of blood and requires the blood in order to produce eggs. They possess a long, protruding mouth that is well known for piercing flesh.  Male mosquitoes, on the other hand, are incapable of sucking blood from a mammal.  They actually feed off plant nectar.

While mosquitoes are foremost a nuisance to most, they are also recognized to carry various diseases such as EEE (eastern equine encephalitis), WEE (western equine encephalitis), West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis, malaria, yellow fever, dengue, La Crosse encephalitis and more.

Signs Your Yard May Have a Mosquito Problem

Mosquitoes prefer humidity, and they will typically make their presence known.  You may hear a distinctive, annoying buzz when one comes close enough to be heard and you can see them with the naked eye.  Their bite is for most part painless, however a mosquito bite will often leave behind a fairly itchy pinkish or reddish colored bump.

Is there any standing water on your property?  Mosquitoes will typically breed in stagnant, standing water, as this is where female mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs.  They can lay hundreds of eggs at a time.

Does your property have a lot of shade?  If so, please know that mosquitoes also enjoy being within the shaded areas or your yard.

How to Get Your Yard’s Mosquito Population Under Control

While it may actually be improbable if not impossible to rid your entire backyard of mosquitoes in time for the cookout, there are a few pest control techniques that may help you significantly reduce the population and exterminate mosquitoes.  Here are a few methods to try.

Remove Standing Water Around Your Home

After the rain has stopped and as you prepare for your backyard cookout,  try your best to clear out any standing water around your property.  This includes kiddie pools, birdbaths, that wheel barrow that you may have left out is the elements, and any other element that could cause water puddle up.

Citronella Candles and Torches

When spending time outside, grilling, gabbing, playing backyard games with your friends and family, Citronella candles and torches can prove to be a great option.  Their effect is nearly immediate and lasts throughout the time the candles or torches are lit.  Mosquitoes and other insects tend to refrain from the citronella scent, so candles and torches work best when you or your guests are in fairly close proximity to them.  Because, however, this approach to mosquito control only works when the candles are lit,  the lighting of these citronella items may only work effectively when used as a complement to other strategies.

Below are a few great options for various Citronella Candles and Torches.  All links to

Citronella Candles:

Citro Guard Candle, Triple Wick – By: Cutter Citronella Scented Candles with Lemongrass Essential Oil – By: Y YUEGANG
Citronella Candle, Bucket – By: Cutter Decorative Citronella Candle – By: La Jolie Muse

Citronella Torches:

Metal Torches – By: Deco Home Tiki Brand Bamboo Torches – By: Tiki
Glass Table Torches – By: Tiki BiteFighter Torch Fuel – By: TiKi Brand

DEET Repellents

Yes, I know, throughout the years, DEET has a developed a less than angel-like reputation.  However, adverse reactions to a DEET repellent is rare, and when used as directed, a DEET repellent can be extremely effective, as it is said to block a mosquito’s CO2 receptors.

Below are some DEET repellents.  Links to

Ben’s Insect Repellent – By: Ben’s Max Insect Repellent – By: Repel

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

For those not wanting to use a DEET-based chemical repellent, but instead wish to take a more natural repellent approach, spraying lemon eucalyptus oil all-around your outdoor living area and even yourself  can help.  Lemon eucalyptus oil has been effective for both ants and mosquitoes.  People have been using lemon eucalyptus oil since the 1940’s and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have approved eucalyptus oil as an effective mosquito repellent ingredient.  Although this may not be a long lasting approach, the use of lemon eucalyptus oil is considered highly effective and non-toxic.

For the do it yourself type, try to Grandpa Munster up your own solution with a mixture of 1 part lemon eucalyptus oil to 10 parts sunflower oil.

Hire a Professional

If your yard seems over run with mosquitoes and they are unbearable, it may be worth hiring a professional to treat your yard.  This should ensure that pesky mosquitoes will not be coming anywhere near your cookout and you and your guests can relax without any discomfort.  So, if this is the approach you wish to take, go ahead and google yourself to good, reputable mosquito control service in your area.

Mosquito Foggers

A mosquito fogger is considered a very reliable means to keep annoying mosquitoes at bay for an extended period of time.  Plus a normal John and Jane like myself can play dress up and walk around like a professional mosquito-buster for a short while, as we prepare for the backyard cookout.

Although it is only considered a temporary solution, reliable foggers are considered to be able to work for up to 72 hours.

Some reliable foggers sold on the market today are (links to

Propane Powered Insect Fogger – By: Black Flag Electric Insect Fogger – By: Burgess
Cordless Fogger/Mister – By: Midwest Tool Company


Since completely eliminating the mosquito population in your backyard, is not likely, your best solution is not to attract in the first place.  As mentioned earlier mosquitoes flourish in a wet environments.  Remove any sources of standing water on your property.  The scent of food is also said to attract mosquitoes, so when grilling, try to keep your food covered until ready to go on the grill.  Regardless, try to not allow mosquitoes to keep you from enjoying time spent in your backyard.  Use one or a combination of the methods mentioned above and have some fun while keeping mosquito bites to a minimum.

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Mosquitoes help

J. Jefferies

My goal with this website is to research and convey any information I come across to help others rid their homes of pests (both inside and out). I truly hope you enjoy and utilize the information found in this website, say goodbye to those troublesome pests and reclaim your residence. Live well and be well.

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