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The Best Drain Fly Treatment Ideas

Exterminate Drain Flies

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This article will discuss various ways to exterminate drain flies.

Drain flies are not the largest of household pests.  In size, that is.  After all, they only measure between 2 to 5 mm in length, and their larvae are not more than 10 mm when entirely mature.  They do however make up for their tiny size with the ability to be incredibly annoying and fairly embarrassing.

They tend to be located in the drains of bathrooms and kitchens and can gain access to your home via basements, drains and windows.  Although drain flies live in rather mucky locations, they are not regarded to spread any ailments to humans.  Of the mucky locations they breed within are drains, septic tanks, sewers, and soil that has been tainted with unpleasant sewage.

How to Eliminate Drain Flies Naturally

Below are few common ways to exterminate drain flies without the need of chemicals.

  1. Use a small knife to scrape and clean the sides of your drains (bathroom and kitchen) to see if you can detect any larvae in the gunk you are digging in.  If you do, make sure to continue cleaning/scraping and discard the gunk you scrape out in the garbage.  Remove the garbage immediately afterwards.
  2. Boil a pot of water and pour it down any infested drain.  Repeat at least twice a day for a week or two.  This should destroy any of the larvae that is in your drains.  If you’d like, use 1 cup of distilled vinegar, a half cup of both table salt and baking soda.  Next just pour the solution down the drain.  This should kill any Drain Fly larvae.  Use boiling water a few hours afterwards to wash the dead larvae from the drain.
  3. Another common solution to try out with drain flies (not the larvae or eggs) consists of equal amounts of water, distilled vinegar and sugar (about a quarter to a half cup of each).  Combine those 3 ingredients with a dozen or so drops of dish soap.  Mix well and cover with plastic wrap.  Poke holes in the plastic wrap so the drain flies can fly in but have difficulty leaving.  Then leave the solution near the infested drain.  Continue to use this concoction (replacing when needed) until the drain flies are under control.

Heck With Natural! What Are the Best Products Available to Exterminate Drain Flies

I would first try the above mentioned suggestions, as you may be pleasantly surprised by the result. If, however, you want to try non-homemade concoctions with a proven record.  Here are a few suggestions.  All below formulas will kill both fruit flies and drain flies and is safe for pipes and septic systems.  Simply apply 1 cup of each product into the drain.  Allow the product to coat the drain  Repeat as needed.

Below links to

Green Gobbler Fruit Fly Killer –  By: Green Gobbler Fruit Fly & Drain Fly Killer – By: Natural Armor

Bye-Bye Drain Flies – By: Pest Peeve

InVade Bio Drain Gel – By: Rockwell

Do It Yourself Pest Control also has quality products you can trust to do the job.  Below are just a few products offered by Do It Yourself Pest Control that will exterminate drain flies.  You can also visit Do It Yourself Pest Control here.

Drain Fly Kits InVade Power Dose
Drain Fly Kits Invade Power Dose

In Conclusion

If the situation continues for a couple weeks after treatment has started, you may need hire a professional plumber to clean your drains and see if there is an even bigger problem with your sewer line or drain pipes.  Hopefully, this is not the case, however.  In many cases above mentioned solutions will help to exterminate drain flies without the need of a plumber.

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eliminate drain flies

J. Jefferies

My goal with this website is to research and convey any information I come across to help others rid their homes of pests (both inside and out). I truly hope you enjoy and utilize the information found in this website, say goodbye to those troublesome pests and reclaim your residence. Live well and be well.

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