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Flea Control: A Few Techniques for Flea Removal

exterminate fleas

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How can we exterminate fleas safely from our four legged companions and from our homes?

I love my dog and so do my kids.  Her name is Dolly.  We adopted her from a shelter in the Southern States.  We were told that a hunter found her in the woods.  I always assumed she was named after Dolly Parton, but I truly have no idea.  True story, when she arrived at our home (her new home), we tried to come up with a new name for her.  Should we name her Missy?  Or Zoe?  Or Maddie?  My kids were adamant however, “Dad, she already has a name, her name is Dolly”.  So we stuck with it.  She never complained about it, and she has been nothing less than a great companion to my kids through the years.  She also is an unfortunate magnet to ticks and on one occasion she had a flea problem.  She actually had a flea problem before she arrived at our home as well.  That infestation was resolved by the organization that we adopted her from.

So, What are Fleas?

Fleas are extremely small insects that will commonly take up residence on our beloved family pets – dogs, cats, and others.  While fleas can be observed without needing a microscope, they are extremely tiny and can be fairly challenging to detect.  On average, they are approximately 2.5 to 3 millimeters in length.  Although they do not have wings and are unable fly, fleas possess an extraordinary ability to jump – a little more than a foot in length and approximately 7 inches vertically.  It is their bite, however, that causes the distinctive and unfortunately eye-catching itching that many associate with fleas.  And because they feed off of blood, they bite and bite often.  Bite, itch, scratch.  Bite, itch, scratch.

The good news (if you want to call it that and look on the bright side) is that fleas are not said to be especially destructive to your physical home.  The largest setback of a flea infestation is actually the extreme discomfort your family and pets will need to endure.  Bite, itch, scratch.  Bite, itch, scratch.  These tiny insects can and will (if left untreated) influence your dog or cat to scratch off much of his/her fur and even to the point that they bleed.  They can also cause us to feel much discomfort as well, biting at our feet and ankles.  For these reasons, it is best to exterminate fleas from our pets and residence.

Signs of Fleas in Your Home

An effective guard dog can oftentimes detect a home intruder and bark and bark to alert us.  Similarly fleas are oftentimes first detected by our beloved pets through their actions of discomfort.  Your pet may be scratching themselves more often than normal and even to the point where they draw blood or produce bare spots.  You may notice signs of the fleas presence via scabs on your pet’s skin, and sometimes with a pet of a lighter coat, you may also notice bug droppings.  To confirm that these droppings are those of fleas, try placing the droppings on a moist napkin or paper towel.  Because the droppings are made from blood, the napkin or paper towel will promptly turn reddish in color.

Another sign of you may notice fleas within your home is witnessing them jumping about on your carpet, furniture or window treatments.  You may detect fleas biting the feet and ankles of you and your family members.  Looking more closely, you might be able to witness tiny, bouncing specks.  Those specks are the fleas.  Below are some ways to exterminate fleas in your home.

Ways to Remove Fleas from your Home

A flea infestation requires aggressive treatment.  In order to eliminate a flea infestation, you need to treat both your pets and your home.  Clearing your home from a flea infestation can be especially difficult but not impossible.  It will be well worth it and necessary.

Eliminate Fleas

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Remove Fleas From your Pets

Get started by removing all fleas from your pet or pets.  You can chose to treat your beloved pet for fleas by washing his/her furry coat with flea shampoo and flea powder.  Products like TropiClean Natural Flea and Tick Shampoo – By: Cosmos Corporation and Flea & Tick Powder- By: Zodiac are some good products.  All products can be found on

TropiClean Natural Flea and Tick Shampoo – By: Cosmos Corporation Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo – By: Adams
Flea & Tick Powder – By: Zodiac Ultra Guard Flea and Tick Powder – By: Hartz

Next, brush your pet with a flea comb.  Any fleas discovered during the combing should be placed in water.  Gnawrishing currently has a solid 4 piece flea comb set that is highly rated (link to

Gnawrishing Flea Comb Set – By: Gnawrishing

Next, brush your pet with a flea comb.  Any fleas discovered during the combing should be placed in water.  Gnawrishing currently has a solid 4 piece flea comb set that is highly rated (link to

Lastly, utilize a flea collar and/or flea and tick medication to eliminate any other fleas that may very well hop right back onto your pet.  Some recommended products are listed below (links to

Flea Collars:

Flea and Tick Collar for Small Dogs – By: Bayer Animal Health Flea and Tick Collar for Large Dogs – By: Bayer Animal Health
Flea and Tick Collar for Cats – By: Bayer Animal Health

Flea Prevention Treatments:

Flea Prevention for Large Cats – By: Bayer Animal Health Flea Prevention for Small Cats – By: Bayer Animal Health
Flea Prevention for Medium Dogs – By: Bayer Animal Health Flea Prevention for Large Dogs – By: Bayer Animal Health
Flea Prevention for Small Dogs – By: Bayer Animal Health Flea Prevention for XL Dogs – By: Bayer Animal Health

Remove Fleas From your Physical Home

To exterminate fleas from your home, conduct a comprehensive steam cleaning of any carpeting within your home followed by thoroughly vacuuming every nook and cranny.  This should be completed simultaneous to treating your pet.  And definitely don’t forget to include vacuuming furniture, non-carpeted flooring and anywhere you notice your beloved pet enjoys to lay down.  The more thorough the vacuuming the better.  Try to repeat the process every day for a week or two if possible.  You may even wish to move furniture and any other item around in order to truly reach every surface when vacuuming.  This is a necessary step because it may help remove any of the eggs and larvae that may still be hanging around.

Next, make sure you wash all your bedding and pet’s bedding.  This should be done in hot water and dried on the highest possible heat setting.  You may alternatively wish to say goodbye to the old bedding and/or pet’s bedding and start fresh with a new version.  This may especially important if the infestation is a severe one.

If the fleas remain an issue even after above steps have been completed, it may be necessary to incorporate chemical treatments into your plan or even to contact a reliable pest control service.  Regarding chemical treatments, the use of aerosol sprays are oftentimes suggested rather than the use of foggers.  The reason for this is that you can direct the spray in places that the foggers may be unable to reach –  such as underneath your bed.  It is a good idea to wear gloves when applying the spray.  It is also a good idea to apply the spray when everybody including your pets are out of the house.  Return to your home when the spray has dried.  Below are some good sprays to try.  All links to

Carpet and Upholstery Aerosol Spray – By: Zodiac Pressurized Flea Insecticide – By: BASF

Regarding teaming up with a solid pest control company to eliminate fleas in your home, a couple of solid companies to consider are Terminix and Orkin.

Ways to Exterminate Fleas from your Yard

When trying to exterminate fleas from your yard, try to think about where they are most likely to hide out.  Think about where your pet most often likes to go and lounge about.  Think about the places that are more on the shady side, yet are still warm and humid.  Very sunny spots of your yard can get too hot for fleas to frequent.

Next, mow these areas of your lawn more regularly.  Rake thoroughly and remove all fallen leaves and twigs from the area.  Consider spreading cedar chips in areas where your pet likes to lounge about.

Eliminate Fleas

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Yes, fleas can be extremely irritating and very uncomfortable, both to you and your pets.  They can also be fairly difficult to remove.  If your home is having difficulties with a flea infestation, the steps listed above should be able to help you.  A professional exterminator can also be called in to help with the infestation.  Many before have had to deal with a flea infestation before you, and many have succeeded.  It is obviously nothing to be ashamed about.  So, tell your pet it is okay.  You will beat this problem.

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Remove Fleas


J. Jefferies

My goal with this website is to research and convey any information I come across to help others rid their homes of pests (both inside and out). I truly hope you enjoy and utilize the information found in this website, say goodbye to those troublesome pests and reclaim your residence. Live well and be well.

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